
Patient Stories: Keratoconus Treatment and Advanced Technology

Patient Stories: Keratoconus Treatment and Advanced Technology

Our latest patient story focuses on how even multiple aberrations and eye conditions such as Keratoconus can still be treated to achieve lens free vision.


Mr Ragin Patel visited our consultant Mr Mike Tappin at our Guildford clinic as he had severe Keratoconus affecting his vision. The prescription in his glasses had deteriorated to -20 dioptres. Up until this point, Mr Patel had used specialist contact lenses to aid his vision however these could no longer be tolerated as they became extremely uncomfortable, particularly in the right eye. After much consideration, Mr Tappin performed a right corneal transplant which was a great success. Mr Patel then developed a cataract which Mike treated with a toric lens implant to correct the remaining astigmatism and short sightedness. This improved his vision greatly however Mr Patel still required a specialist contact lens for the left eye and glasses for the right.

What is keratoconus?

Keratoconus is an eye disease that causes the central area of the cornea to become weak and thinner, making the shape ‘bulge’ in an irregular manner. This results in a refractive error with the end result being distorted vision. The cornea is the transparent dome-shaped front part of our eyes, allowing for focusing of the eye. To function properly it must be smooth and appropriately shaped.
Find out more about Kerataconus.

The solution

Some years later Mr Patel returned to us feeling the keratoconus in the left eye was getting worse and did not want to use a specialist contact lens any more. Technology had improved since his first visit and instead of a transplant, Mike performed Topographic Guided Laser Treatment to the left eye. Advanced Topographic Guided Laser Treatment is one of the most precise methods of reducing higher order aberrations in patients with keratoconus which worked wonders for Mr Patel. Following Topographic Guided Laser Treatment, we also performed cataract surgery and undertook laser vision correction treatment on the right eye to correct the vision and now he has excellent vision in both eyes without glasses!

If you would like to talk to one of our expert Consultants about your vision or eye condition, please get in touch to book a consultation with us at your nearest clinic online or phone us on 0800 024 8888. 

Further reading:
Advanced Topographic Guided Laser Treatment
Premium Cataract Surgery

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