
Kamra Vision – As Seen in The Wall Street Journal

Kamra Vision – As Seen in The Wall Street Journal

KAMRA™ Vision, the proven presbyopia solution at LaserVision is now making waves across the pond, having just been featured in The Wall Street Journal.

Hailed as the best alternative to reading glasses on the market, the article details the results of a US study in which 87% of patients treated had at least 20/40 vision – good enough to read a book without glasses in good light. It also goes on to say how some patients experience excellent near vision straight after surgery however optimum results usually appear weeks or months later as the patients neural pathways adapt.

KAMRA™ is the first ‘inlay’ device to be approved in the US as a solution to presbyopia and offers a more flexible approach opposed to the ‘monovision’ laser procedure. The ‘monovision’ treatment involves optimizing one eye for near vision and the other for distance whereas the Kamra Inlay will retain distance vision in both eyes.

The KAMRA™ Inlay is a mini ultra-thin opaque ring with an opening in the centre. It is much smaller than a contact lens and lighter than a grain of salt. The opening in the centre of the inlay restores near and intermediate vision by focusing light coming into the eye. In addition, the inlay’s advanced design features 8,400 high precision, laser etched micro-openings along the surface to help your cornea stay healthy.

If you are over 40 and experiencing symptoms of presbyopia, then the KAMRA™ Inlay may be an effective solution. If you would like to find out if you are suitable for KAMRA™ treatment, the team at LaserVision will examine and measure your eyes thoroughly to ensure suitability.

Book a consultation here.

Read the full article on The Wall Street Journal.
