
Treatment at a glance

1 minute

Numbing eye drops


Temporary results

Improved ocular comfort

What are Punctal Plugs?

Tears are drained from the eyes via tiny openings in the lower and upper eyelids. These openings are situated nasally and are momentarily in contact when the eyelids close during a blink.

Tears pass through these openings into a system of ducts before eventually reaching the inside of the nose. The drainage of these tears can be disrupted by intentionally blocking the opening of the tear ducts with non-invasive occluders.

Two Types of Punctal Plugs

Punctal plugs come in two main forms including temporary, semi-permanent and intracanalicular. 

Temporary punctal plugs are made of collagen and will eventually dissolve over a period of days to weeks (depending on the grade of plug).

Semi-permanent plugs are made of a more durable acrylic or silicone and can last for beyond a year. Intracanalicular plugs are inserted deeper into the tear duct and are a more permanent solution.

Treatment Benefits Benefits

Benefits of Punctal Plugs

  • Improved ocular comfort
  • Reduced dependency on eye drops
  • Temporary and semi-permanent options
  • Painless application

Eye plugs for dry eyes treatment

  • 1.The punctum (tear duct opening) is numbed with a lubricating drop
  • 2.The correct size punctal plug will be selected following an examination of the punctum on a microscope
  • 3.The punctal plug will be gently inserted into the punctum using medical-grade forceps or a preloaded applicator
  • 4.You may feel a gentle pressure when it is applied but no pain
  • 5.A collagen based plug will usually be inserted first to assess the impact

Punctal plugs will likely reduce your dependency upon lubricating drops but it is advisory to continue to use them at a regular frequency.

Firstly, ensure that your hands are clean and remove the bottle cap without touching the nozzle. Hold the bottle on the bridge of your nose using the hand opposite to the targeted eye. Hold the lower eyelid down with the spare hand and gently squeeze one to two drops into the lower eyelid margin. Close the eye and remove any excess with a tissue.

Laser Vision ophthalmologists will use medical-grade forceps to gently remove the plug from the opening of the tear duct. The punctal plug has a flanged edge allowing the practitioner to remove it without causing any discomfort to the patient

Choosing the right vision correction clinic for punctal plugs is paramount. This is an important procedure after all, and you need to have complete trust in your surgeon and care team of professionals.

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