Presbyopia is a common, age-related condition in which the natural lens of the eye loses its flexibility which results in the progression of increasingly blurred near vision. A report carried out by Laser Vision’s specialist opticians will show some numbers next to the ‘Add’ section, underneath or next to the main prescription. It will always be a ‘+’ number ranging from 1 to 3. The larger the number, the more difficult it will be to read without glasses.
What are the Symptoms?
What are the Causes?
Presbyopia is purely associated with ageing, affecting many people in their 40s / early 50s. When we are young, the crystalline lens is very flexible and the muscles that attach to it are able to change its shape with ease, allowing focussing at all distances – a process known as accommodation. With age, the lens hardens and our ability to accommodate declines, making smaller print difficult to read.
What is the Diagnosis?
Spectacles and contact lenses can be prescribed by your Laser Vision Optometrist. For a permanent solution to presbyopia, refractive surgery can be a safe and viable alternative. Distance and reading vision can be simultaneously corrected through monovision and multifocal methods. Modern LASIK surgery and Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE) may be recommended by your Laser Vision specialist, depending on your individual case
Treatment Options
Choosing the right vision correction clinic for your surgery is paramount. This is a life changing procedure after all, and you need to have complete trust in your surgeon and care team of professionals.
Our Technology
We invest in the latest equipment hand chosen by our surgeons, so that we can deliver outstanding results with the safest surgery possible.