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How Diabetes Impacts Vision
While diabetes is widely known for its impact on blood sugar and general health, it also significantly affects vision.
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What Is Lens Replacement Surgery?
Laser eye surgery isn’t the only option to help restore people’s eyesight.
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Protecting Your Eyes After Laser Cataract Surgery
The overall recovery process after laser cataract surgery is typically very simple, and once complete you can enjoy the full effect of your restored vision.
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OCT Machine: Next Evolution in Laser Eye Surgery
Eye examinations and analysis have come a long way in the last few decades.
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What is Optical Coherence Tomography?
Optical coherence tomography (commonly known as a 3D digital eye exam or an OCT scan), allows opticians to view the overall health of your eyes in closer detail.
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Appropriate Vision Correction Treatments for Long-Sightedness
There are a number of effective vision correction treatments for long-sightedness; these treatments are offered depending on your unique case and needs.
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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Cataract Surgery
If you suffer from cataracts, you should consider all factors before opting to go ahead with cataract surgery.
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LASIK vs. LASEK: What’s The Difference?
When considering LASIK vs LASEK, it’s important to understand the both the similarities and differences between the treatments.
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What is the average age for cataract surgery?
Cataracts can start developing at any age; however, it is extremely unlikely that you will develop cataracts when you are young.
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How to prepare for Cataract Surgery
Over the last 60 years cataract surgery has evolved more than any other operation.
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Is Screen Time Affecting Your Eyes?
Whether you’re at work, relaxing at home, out with friends, or running errands – it’s hard to escape technology!
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We invest in the latest equipment hand chosen by our surgeons, so that we can deliver outstanding results with the safest surgery possible.