Why Are My Eyes Dry?Why Are My Eyes Dry?

Why Are My Eyes Dry?

Do you feel a burning, scratchy sensation on your eyes? It could be dry eye.

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Laser Eye Surgery FAQsLaser Eye Surgery FAQs

Laser Eye Surgery FAQs

Laser eye surgery is one of the most commonly performed elective treatments in the world today. Here, we ask the experts to answer your most frequently asked questions.

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Mr Tappin has developed an innovative modification to the treatment of pterygiumMr Tappin has developed an innovative modification to the treatment of pterygium

Mr Tappin has developed an innovative modification to the treatment of pterygium

As with most other eye-related conditions, pterygium is relatively common amongst the general population.

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What Are Some Eye Health Tips To Protect My Vision?What Are Some Eye Health Tips To Protect My Vision?

What Are Some Eye Health Tips To Protect My Vision?

Don’t take your eyes for granted! We’ve got five top tips to keep your eyes in tip-top condition.

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What Are Common Causes for Keratoconus?What Are Common Causes for Keratoconus?

What Are Common Causes for Keratoconus?

With the exact cause of keratoconus still elusive, this condition commonly affects 1 in 2000 people.

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LASIK laser eye surgery: Procedure, Results and RecoveryLASIK laser eye surgery: Procedure, Results and Recovery

LASIK laser eye surgery: Procedure, Results and Recovery

It can be daunting, trying to find the right solution to your eyesight problems. There are so many options available and a range of consultants and hospitals ready to help, so what do you chose?

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How to spot the symptoms of CataractsHow to spot the symptoms of Cataracts

How to spot the symptoms of Cataracts

A cataract is a clouding that develops in the lens of the eye, varying in severity from slight to complete opacity and obstructing the passage of light.

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A Life Without Glasses: The First Days After Laser Eye SurgeryA Life Without Glasses: The First Days After Laser Eye Surgery

A Life Without Glasses: The First Days After Laser Eye Surgery

Clear vision is something that many of us take for granted but for those who’s vision is less than ideal, vision correction treatments, such as Laser Eye Surgery, can be a very attractive.

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Driving Home for Christmas: Are your eyes road ready?Driving Home for Christmas: Are your eyes road ready?

Driving Home for Christmas: Are your eyes road ready?

With Christmas fast approaching and many people embarking on long journeys to visit friends and family over the Christmas period, we’re urging you not to ignore one key preparation: making sure your eyes are road ready.

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Appropriate Vision Correction Treatments for Long-SightednessAppropriate Vision Correction Treatments for Long-Sightedness

New Lens Available: The IC-8 Lens

LaserVision are now pleased to offer a new lens option to restore vision at every distance, the IC-8™ lens.

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Patient Stories: Keratoconus Treatment and Advanced TechnologyPatient Stories: Keratoconus Treatment and Advanced Technology

Patient Stories: Keratoconus Treatment and Advanced Technology

Our latest patient story focuses on how even multiple aberrations and eye conditions such as Keratoconus can still be treated to achieve lens free vision.

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Laser Cataract Lens Surgery FAQsLaser Cataract Lens Surgery FAQs

Laser Cataract Lens Surgery FAQs

Cataracts are an unavoidable part of ageing however simple lens surgery provides a quick remedy with most patients able to resume their normal activities the next day.

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Our Technology

We invest in the latest equipment hand chosen by our surgeons, so that we can deliver outstanding results with the safest surgery possible.

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