A Pterygium (pronounced ter-ij-ee-um) is a wing-shaped growth of tissue that initially forms on the white of the eye, before stretching across the clear window known as the cornea. It can form on either side of the eye but predominantly forms on the side closest to the nose. Pterygium is not considered to be a dangerous or suspicious growth of tissue, but it may cause symptoms requiring its removal.
What are the Symptoms?
What are the Causes?
Pterygium is considered to be a reaction of the surface of the eye to a source of irritation. Clinical research shows us that chronic exposure to UV, dust and wind can play a large role in its development. Pterygium are more commonly found in people of male gender, aged between 30 and 50.
What is the Diagnosis?
Pterygium can be comfortably managed with lubricating eye drops if your vision is unaffected and you are only experiencing mild irritation. If the Pterygium is compromising your sight, is feeling uncomfortable or is causing a cosmetic concern, your Laser Vision doctor may feel that surgical intervention is appropriate. Pterygium surgery is a day-case, locally anaesthetised procedure in which micro-instruments are used to remove the growth. A piece of conjunctival autograft is then applied to the site to reduce the chance of recurrence to less than 5%.
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We invest in the latest equipment hand chosen by our surgeons, so that we can deliver outstanding results with the safest surgery possible.