Laser Vision Clinics Laser Vision Clinics

The hospital offers a huge range of different laser eye treatments in Manchester, so you are safe in the knowledge that you will be receiving the very best advice and medical care. Manchester Royal Eye Hospital is acknowledged as a centre of excellence for all aspects of ophthalmology, including outpatient care, surgery, education and research, and is renowned both nationally and globally for its pioneering work.


  • Nuffield Health
  • Spire Healthcare
  • BMI Healthcare

Our patients feedback speaks volumes. We continually strive to deliver excellent results from each and every one of our clinics.

Where To Find Laser Vision Manchester

Their clinic is located at the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital which was founded in 1814. The hospital moved into state-of-the-art facilities in August 2009 and prides itself in the knowledge it can deliver first class personalised treatment. The Manchester Royal Eye Hospital has the most up to date diagnostic and treatment equipment available and the facilities are some of the finest in Europe.

Manchester Royal Eye Hospital,
Oxford Road,
M13 9WL

8083 045 172

[email protected]

Get directions

The Manchester Royal Eye Hospital provides an extensive range of eye services for both adults and children. All types of simple and complex surgery are carried out at the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital by leading consultants, many having practiced at the hospital for many years. All the consultants are ably assisted by the superb after-care team that prides itself on the delivery of the very best in patient care.

Care at Manchester Royal Eye Hospital is provided in collaboration with the NHS and meets or exceeds the standards of quality and safety as regularly inspected by the Care Quality Commission. Foresight Surgical Limited provides referral and medical secretarial services, and NHS Royal Eye Hospital is responsible for all aspects of service delivery and governance.

World-class facilities
