
Consultant Update: Events & Talks this Year so far

As in demand corneal specialists and experts in complex refractive procedures, LaserVision’s Consultant Eye Surgeons have been busy attending and giving many talks at industry events across the globe in the last 6 months. Here is a quick round-up of their recent activity.

Our very own Mr Mike Tappin last month presented the benefits of the Ziemer Z8 Femtosecond laser at the recent Moorfields Femto Cataract Course with great success. With LaserVision being the only centre in the UK to have this groundbreaking technology, Mike presented our results of the first Z8 procedures in the UK to surgeons who came from around the world to attend the course.

Mr Rakesh Jayaswal has attended a number of industry events this year with highlights including, the World Cornea Congress in San Diego in April 2015, the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons Course in April (ASCRS) and the Wavelight User Meeting in Hamburg in June.

As a a pioneer in the treatment of complex corneal conditions, Rakesh also gave a presentation on Cross Linking at the Regional Teaching in Salisbury In March 2015.

Stay tuned for more updates from LaserVision!

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